Mars Attacks
  Mars Attacks

Running Time
102 mins.



Jack Nicholson
Glenn Close
Annette Bening
Pierce Brosnan
Danny DeVito

Tim Burton


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See stars that shine accross the galaxy. Jack Nicholson in a dual role, Glenn Close, Annette Bening, Pierce Brosnan, Danny DeVito and a dozen more. Shreik at mean, green invaders from the angry red planet, armed with inst-fry ray guns, endowed with slimy humungous brains and enlivened with out of this world and state of the art special effects. Gasp as the U.S. legislator is overwhelmed and thrill as the Earth fights back with an unexpected weapon.

Special Features

Interactive Menus
Scene Access
Production Notes
Theatrical Trailer
Languages: English.
Subtitles: English, Arabic, Polish, Greek, Czech,
Turkish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Croation, English for
the Hearing Impaired.

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